Let’s Have a Crayzies Drive!
First, Build the Buzz.
It all begins with YOU! Maybe you want to learn how to recycle. Maybe you already know how and want to partner with some amazing kids who have the desire to make a small impact. Or maybe you have a love for crayons as we do and want to see all the fun stuff we can come up with! Whatever it is, the way you build the buzz makes all the difference in how successful your Crayzies drive will be! Make sure you let your network know how long you plan to host the drive so that they have ample time to go digging for those old or broken crayons!
Gather Your Buckets.
Now that you’ve built your buzz… it’s time to get your buckets. That’s where we come in! We - with the help of our parents of course - will arrange a time and day to drop off our special buckets at your school or place of business for your crayon collection. We will also check in periodically to see how things are going and to answer any questions you may have about the collection process. In the event you need a bucket picked up prior to the end of your drive, we will make arrangements to swap it out for an empty bucket. Most drives last a minimum of 30 days but can be customized to fit your goals.
Let the Magic Begin.
Now comes the fun part! So you’ve finished your drive…THANK YOU! We’re beyond grateful for your support and the effort you’ve put into helping Color Me Crayzies™ reach more hands and helping fewer crayons reach our landfills!
Did you know that most crayons end up in landfills? When they become old and broken, they’re usually tossed into the trash without so much as a second thought! In the U.S. alone, more than 60 million crayons are discarded each year! Yep, you read that right… 60 MILLION in one WHOLE year… sheesh!
Our Color Me Crayzies™ are made entirely out of crayons that otherwise would contribute to that number. By collecting as many old and broken crayons as humanly possible, we can help reduce the amount of waste they create and eliminate the waxy sludge they leave behind! I mean they’re cool and all - even cooler when we melt and repurpose - but did you also know that they’re made of a petroleum by-product that takes years and years to biodegrade??? Yuck.
Not Local? Looking For Other Ways to Help?
Out of state, but want to host a Crayzies drive? Don’t fret! We can accept your shipments also. Unsure about hosting a drive? That’s okay - we understand. There are many ways you can help us spread the word about Color Me Crayzies™ and support our mission.
Reach out via the contact form on our website for more information or send an email to: hello@colormecrayzies.com to get started.